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The Complex Science Behind Caffeine

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

There’s no doubt that the reason why caffeine and cola is as popular as it is today is because of the invigorating effects it has on the body and mind, but not many people know exactly how it works to give you that famous buzz.

Most of us drink at least one cup of coffee a day or a can of cola to give us a pep in the afternoon, and it’s all thanks to caffeine that they manage to do the trick every time.

Although we regularly indulge in a caffeine hit every day, we don’t seem to know a lot about how it works its magic, but there’s actually a fine science behind how it works and what it does to our body and mind.

By learning more about how caffeine works and how to get the optimal amounts for the safest and healthiest effect, we can become smarter coffee drinkers and use this substance to the best of our ability.

What Is Caffeine?

The Food and Drug Administration describes caffeine as a drug and a food additive, and that would certainly explain why most people feel they can’t live without their cup of coffee in the morning. Americans drink quite a bit of caffeine each day in various forms, on average about 300mg, which equates to two cups of coffee a day.

As our brains are made up of a complex mix of cells, hormones, and tissues that all work together, the one thing that helps to control it all and carry the signals from our brains to our bodies is the neurotransmitter.

When we drink coffee or cola, or anything caffeinated, these chemical processesthat occur can be changed somewhat and in particular, the one that regulates how tired we are.

The Stimulating Effect Of Caffeine And How It Works

Adenosine is a chemical that occurs which tells our body how tired we are once it’s been accumulated, and by having caffeine in your bloodstream it can block up the receptors for this chemical and trick your body into thinking that it’s adenosine.

This means when you should be feeling tired the signals aren’t being sent to the receptor, thanks to the power of caffeine, and so you feel more energetic than usual.

The key way that caffeine works is by stimulating the central nervous system so that you feel amazing benefits both mentally and physically. However, after a large dose of caffeine, many people report a crashing feeling, and this is due to the built up adenosine finally making its way through and causing you to feel tired and drowsy.

How Much Caffeine Is Safe?

When taken in large doses, there can be some adverse reactions that caffeine can cause, but it all depends on the individual. As some people seem to have built up a tolerance to the stimulant or just be better at handling it in large doses, there are others who will feel almost instant side effects after finishing their cup of coffee.

According to the experts, there are some guidelines we should all be adhering to in order to avoid a caffeine overdose, but each of us is different. Here is the recommended amount of caffeine we should have a day, according to Mayo Clinic:

  • 400mg a day for healthy adults

  • 0mg a day for children and teenagers

  • Less than 200mg a day for pregnant women

These are obviously just guidelines, as only the individual will know if they begin to experience any adverse side effects before they reach their daily limit.

Having too much caffeine can cause terrible side effects including depression and anxiety, racing thoughts, and heart problems, so you should never exceed your daily recommended limit. People might even find they experience caffeine withdrawal if they go a day without, which can cause headaches in some.

The Positive Effects Of Caffeine

The main reason that caffeinated drinks are so popular here and through the rest of the world is thanks to the health benefits that this substance has. Here are a few positive benefits that you can expect to find when you stick to or below your recommended daily limit for caffeine:

  • Increased Energy The short-term effect of caffeine is why most people enjoy it each morning, giving you sharpened concentration and more energy to get up and start your day.

  • Lower Risk Of Cancer Drinking two cups of coffee a day has been proven to reduce the risk of mouth, throat and liver cancer, which is good news for everyone who loves their morning caffeine.

  • Reduced Risk Of Parkinson’s Apparently drinking four or five cups of coffee a day will reduce your risk of developing Parkinson’s disease, according to a Harvard study published in 2015.

  • Lower Risk Of Diabetes A 2014 Harvard study showed that those who had increased the amount of coffee they drank over the last four years were 11 percent less likely to develop diabetes.

A Powerful Substance When Used In Moderation

Just like anything in life, caffeine will give you the best of its benefits when it’s used in moderation and to the recommended guidelines. Anyone who’s had too many cups of coffee before will be able to tell you about the terrible side effects it can bring, including anxiety, heart palpitations, and insomnia, so it’s best to keep your consumption at a safe amount.

Caffeine has so many positive benefits for both body and mind, and harnessing the effects of this natural substance can do you wonders. Whether you’re looking to improve brain activity, get a boost of energy in the morning, or help to ward off disease and illness, caffeine is a simple and natural way that you can achieve it all.

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